Certificate of Locator Calibration
What is a Calibration Certificate ? A calibration certificate is a physical or digital document that contains the results of the calibration of an instrument, such as a balance or […]
What Projects RF USA gives you after performing the Service
Here we tell you what is the “deliverable” once Projects RF USA performs Utility Locating Services
How to Develop the Prestige in your Company
The prestige of a company does not rise overnight, however, sometimes, destroying this prestige, in an unfair way, is a much faster process.
The paint we use in Utility Locating Services
We often use spray paints for the demarcation of underground services. But what are the characteristics of these paintings, what are the base materials on what they are manufactured, how durable they are and what is the quality of the finish of the same; as well as the level of toxicity they have on people…
First Aids: What we never want to use but we must know accord to ISO 45001:2018 standard
All human activity represents a risk, that is the generalized premise that we must all raise awareness. On many occasions, human groups or societies focus unequivocally on creating economic and social well-being. But we do not consider the risks inherent in the productive processes.
Considerations in the detection with the RD7000+ Localizer
Very often many of our clients inform us that the measurements we have made in the detection of services in the subsoil are not accurate and that we must recalibrate […]
Training and Certification as Quality Internal Auditor ISO9001: 2015 PROJECTS R&F USA
The adoption of a Quality Management System is a strategic decision for PROJECTS R&F USA, In order to improve the global performance and provide a solid base in the sustainable development of the initiatives, always thinking about increasing the satisfaction of our clients