Formerly the great conquerors, sailors and pirates to achieve the goals that would satisfy the desires, fill their greed and cover their interests, focused on three essential elements: an Objective, a Strategy and a Map.

As time has gone by, the systematization methods have become more efficient, greater automation has been achieved with the sciences and technologies; and more knowledge has been generated. The processes in institutions and companies are also. But knowledge and experience in methods of conquest prevail. The three elements remain the same: The Objective, The Strategy and the Map.
A Process is a set of activities and interrelated resources that transform input elements into output elements providing added value for the client or user. These resources that are used can include: personnel, finances, facilities, technical equipment, methods…

Today as in antiquity, these three elements have pre-eminence and importance in the achievement of business and institutional goals.
It is no coincidence that the ISO9001: 2015 standard has a Process Map as requirements for compliance and quality management.
By definition, a process is a set of activities and interrelated resources that transform input elements into output elements providing added value for the client or user. These resources that are used can include: personnel, finances, facilities, technical equipment, methods … among others.

According to the standard, a Process Map is a graphic scheme in which the set of input elements required by a specific production process are represented, which are interrelated with all the elements and related processes to add value to the elements of Departures. As shown in image 3.

PROJECTS R&F USA, has developed according to the highest quality standards and with the prestige of ISO9001: 2015 our process map that involves our flagship process: Underground Services Detection Process.
Our Process Map tries to guide us strategically in the achievement of our objectives, as well as to focus and guide our clients and related to the essential processes of our brand.
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