It is common to see in our postcard the question: How To Find Gas Line? The gas lines arrive to our property in the following ways: subway tanks, surface tanks, city pipes, in this content we will explain in detail, how to locate each of them with the RD8200 Locator equipment, additionally we will detail how the lines are marked in the city, and how to dig near a gas pipe.
Radiolocator technicians must have a high sense of responsibility when locating a gas line, their margin of error must be zero, an erroneous location can cause both material and human misfortune.

1. How To Find Gas Line – Buried Tank.?
The gas line in buried tanks can only be located with a Buried Services Locating Equipment, under the electromagnetic functional mode – RD8200.
The TX-10 Transmitter, which is connected at the end of the outlet pipe (Tank), and the Locator will indicate the location and depth of the buried pipe, Our Professionals, together with the Equipment, can do this job for you. contact us here or Call (844) 756-2286

2. How To Find Gas Line – Surface Tank.?
The overhead gas tank line can only be located with a buried utility locating equipment under the electromagnetic functional mode, RD8200.
The TX-10 Transmitter is connected at the end of the outlet pipe (Tank), and the Locator will indicate the Location and Depth of the buried pipe. Our Professionals, together with the Equipment, can do this job for you. contact us here.

3. How To Find Gas Line – City Gas Pipe.?
The pipeline gas lines coming from the city are plastic, and have a yellow colored cable, plugged into the feed pipe. For the Locators to locate the line run, they must connect the RD 8200 Equipment. The Transmitter of the Equipment is connected to the end of the cable that emerges in the gas meter of the property, and the locator stick will indicate the route and depth of this.

4. How Gas Lines in the City are Marked.?
Pipeline markers can be found in areas where a pipeline intersects a street, highway or railroad. They can also be located where gas pipelines cross open land, typically on pipeline rights-of-way.
The markers are helpful in identifying key above ground and underground pipelines. It is important to know that:
• Pipelines may not be in a straight line from marker to marker.
• The markers do not indicate the depth, size or number of pipelines in the ground.
• Pipeline markers are not used in every pipeline area.
So the absence of pipeline markers does not mean a gas pipeline is not present.
Pipeline markers should not be used to determine where pipelines are located for excavation purposes – always call 811 before you dig.

5. How to Dig Near My Gas Line.?
- Carefully hand dig within two feet (the tolerance zone) of the locate marks.
- Always use a rounded or blunt-edge shovel. Sharp tools like pickaxes, mattocks, pry bars, or pointed spades may gouge or puncture lines.
- Begin by digging two feet off to the side and perpendicular to the locate marks.
- Use a gentle, prying motion to break away soil as you approach the utility laterally.
- Pay attention to changes in the digging conditions such as digging gets softer, you notice sand, or even trash, as this may indicate you are close to the facility.
- Determine the exact location and depth of the utility line, not just the tracer wire or warning tape.
- Never assume depth of the utility line or rely on past locate marks when digging.
6. Conclusion
How To Find Gas Line ? It will depend on how it reaches our property, either by subway tanks, above ground tanks, or city pipelines; and the only way to locate them is to contact a certified underground utility locating company, which guarantees a good route for the gas line. Our Company of Certified Professionals with high experience in these works… contact directly with the Operations Supervisor Eddison, at this phone number (844) 756-2286.
Watch in this video one of our Technicians, Locating a Gas Line in a Macro Project